Innocent children murdered by mum
Luca, Austin and Cecilia Riggi have apparently been murdered by their 46 year old mother Theresa.
What state of mind must she have been in to have taken the precious lives of her birth children?
First reports indicate a marital and child custody dispute. Of course, unfortunately these tragic deaths are not the first. At the time of the Moat killings, in the village of Holbrook Derbyshire dad Andrew Cairns stabbed to death his partner Rachel Slack and their 23 month old son Auden (see blogspot earlier report of 4th June 2010).
There are many similar reports and it seems as though violence is becoming the norm to solve child custody disputes.
All this comes at a time when the Government is responding to a Family Justice System under enormous strain by:
- Capping the fees Independent Social Workers thereby undermining the important role ISW’s have in ensuring that children and families can have a independent professional voice to challenge finance driven Local Authority Social Care workers
- And secondly, causing the loss of almost half of the Family Law firms because of the Legal Aid Commission’s decision not to award them new contracts, in an effort to cut costs.
Without doubt, these decisions will seriously affect the welfare and safety of vulnerable children and disadvantaged families.
At we are actively seeking the appointment of a Minister with sole responsibility for Child Contact, Access and Custody and challenging poor decision making. You can help in this by letting your MP know the serious consequences of the Government’s actions.
We have a letter that you can download and send to your MP. Please click this link and download here.